For full coverage, A safe and secure method using mesh, wefts, hair piece to custom build a system designed to fit each client. Firstly a light, breatheable mesh is used, threading your natural hair through the holes and securing with silicone lined micro rings. This is your foundation and acts as a second scalp. Your hair piece and wefts are then sewn onto your foundation creating a Mesh Integration System. The weight is evenly distributed across your head ensuring no pulling and tension in any area. This system can be tailored to suit clients with no hair too. Medical grade tape would secure the mesh system down and can last around 4 weeks, which is then removed, cleaned and retaped down again. The Mesh Integretion System is designed to be worn 24/7 sleep, shower, exercise just like you would with your natural hair. Maintenance is required every 4 weeks, May be slightly adjusted depending on the client's individual growth rates. The life span of the system is around 12-18 months. During this time your parting will need to be replaced anywhere between 3-9 months depending on colour, base type and aftercare. 100% Human Hair is used.